Special Offer
Licensing Seminar/Training
The seminar “Successful Licensing” will give you a comprehensive overview on licensing issues.
For your convenience the Inhouse Seminar is offered at very attractive conditions.
Unlimited participants from your company may join the seminar
Cost efficient
Time saving
Real-life licensing issues from you company can be discussed
You get a comprehensive overview on licensing issues (in- and out-licensing)
Get to know prodeal consulting
Main Contents:
• Short introduction: Intellectual Property Rights
• Different Licensing Models (e.g. Non-Exclusive, Semi-Exclusive, Exclusive, Cross-License)
• Pre-Licensing considerations: strategic and economic aspects
• Preparing the negotiations
• First Contact, Confidentiality Agreement, Letter of Intent, Term Sheet
• The Licensing Agreement: Structure and Selected Contract Clauses
• Administration of Licensing Agreements
• Short hands-on licensing exercise
You may choose between a 4 hour seminar and a 6 hour seminar-plus.